Drought Resources
Yolo County Dry Well Assistance
The Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency and Yolo County Office of Emergency Services are working to provide assistance information for wells experiencing water shortage due to the drought. You can get help by emailing drywells@yolocounty.org or calling (530) 406-4930.
Groundwater level measurements will be required. We will not share your information with any state or federal regulatory agencies.

For additional information on California's drought please visit DWR's website at https://water.ca.gov/water-basics/drought.
General State Agency Programs
The two primary State agencies responsible for water management are the Department of Water Reources (DWR) and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The following are general assistance programs provided by these agencies.
Department of Water Resources
Drought Emergency Response Funding: Local assistance is available for emergency drinking water support for small communities, including addressing private well shortages.
Contact Information: Mark Bradley at 916-651-7003.
Small Community Drought Relief Program: The purpose of the Small Community Drought Relief Program is to provide immediate and near-term financial and technical support to help small communities survive this and future droughts.
Contact information: Small Community Drought Relief Program at 559-230-3309
State Water Resources Control Board
Division of Financial Assistance Drought Funding: SWRCB has funding available to assist water systems and individual households to address drought-related drinking water emergencies. Funding is available from the following sources:
· Cleanup and Abatement Account Urgent Drinking Water Needs
· Drinking Water Well Replacement Program
· Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) Program
· Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
Support is available for: Bottled Water, Hauled Water, Vending Machines, Well Repair, Well Rehabilitation and Replacement, and Emergency Interties. Eligible entities can include:
· Public Agencies (that serve disadvantaged communities)
· Community Water Systems (that serve disadvantaged communities)
· Not-for-Profit Organizations (that serve disadvantaged communities)
· Tribal Governments (that serve disadvantaged communities)
Contact Information: Matthew Pavelchik at Matthew.Pavelchik@waterboards.ca.gov or
DFA-CAA@waterboards.ca.gov and 916-319-9066.
Drinking Water Programs: For general regulatory questions and options for State intervention regarding public water systems, contact a SWRCB Division of Drinking Water District Office:
http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/programs/document s/ddwem/DDWdistrictofficesmap.pdf.
Additional State and Local Agency Programs
California Department of Food and Agriculture
State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP): SWEEP provides grant funding for California agricultural operations to invest in water irrigation and distribution systems that save water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions: http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/EnvironmentalStewardship/WEEP.html U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency (FSA): Emergency Loan (EM) are made available in areas designated a disaster by the Secretary of Agriculture to help producers recover from production and physical losses. Disaster Programs available to assist farmers and ranchers include: the Livestock Forage Program (LFP), the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP), and the Tree Assistance Program (TAP).
Interested famers may contact their local USDA Service Center for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs.
Contact information: CDFA Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation - https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/oefi/sweep/ and cdfa.oefi@cdfa.ca.gov
California Underserved and Small Producers (CUSP): The CUSP Grant Program is designed to facilitate direct assistance to individual small and mid-scale and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers who need technical assistance support in applying for economic relief grant programs and assistance with business planning and marketing strategies, and implementation of climate smart practices.
Contact Information: (916) 657-3231 or Grants@cdfa.ca.gov
2022 Drought Relief Direct Farmer Grants: Drought Relief Grants will be available when the application period opens in 2022.
Control Section 11.85 of the Budget Act of 2021 allocated $5 million for direct drought relief funds which will be administered through the CUSP program (see above) partner organizations throughout 2022. These direct grants will assist small-scale and historically underserved producers to apply for relief grants for those most in need of immediate drought assistance. Producers will apply for the funds through local partner organizations.
The Drought Relief Grants administered through the CUSP partner organizations will be reimbursement grants for expenses incurred as a result of the drought.
Examples of covered expenses can include but are not limited to:
· Increased electric utility bills of 50% or more due to increased electricity rates
· Surface water costs if increase from year prior
· Cost of hauling water for livestock
· Lowering ag well pumps if a primary source of water is lost
· Emergency upgrades to irrigation system (paired with conservation) if not covered through CDFA OEFI programs or USDA programs and for other emergency scenarios.
Not Covered:
· Drilling new well
· Upgrading pump to a larger size which would draw more water
Contact Information: (916) 657-3231 or Grants@cdfa.ca.gov
Water Efficiency Technical Assistance Program (WETA): The Budget Act of 2021 appropriated $5 million to CDFA for irrigation water efficiency and nutrient management technical assistance grants. The Water Efficiency Technical Assistance (WETA) grant program is designed to facilitate technical assistance to agricultural operations for on-farm water and energy use efficiency and nutrient management.
Organizations that receive funding will work on any or all of three program objectives:
· Provide on-farm, one-on-one technical assistance to farmers to evaluate irrigation system efficiency (e.g., mobile irrigation lab) and provide diagnostics, reports and recommendations to growers.
· Coordinate or provide pump efficiency testing for farmers.
· Provide training regarding water use efficiency and nutrient management practices and technology.
Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
Domestic well repair and replacement; bottled water for schools
Deborah Almazan
Domestic well repair and replacement, bottled water (schools only)dalmazan@rcac.org
(725) 221-0474
Domestic well repair and replacement, bottled water (schools only)Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Individual Well Program: https://www.rcac.org/environmental/individual-well-program/