Management Areas
Six Management Areas have been identified for the Yolo Subbasin based on administrative boundaries and hydrogeogologic properties. The YSGA is working to create Advisory Committees for each of the six management areas (MA) within the Yolo Subbasin.
The purpose of these management areas is:
- To ensure that groundwater use in the Yolo Subbasin is sustainable
- Implement the Yolo Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP)
- Work within the framework of the GSP and SGMA to ensure a sustainable future for all beneficial users of groundwater in each Management Area
These MA Advisory Committees will be responsible for:
- Advising the YSGA Board of Directors, Technical Advisory Committee, and Working Group
- Creating a forum for community organization and involvement
- Evaluate and respond to local groundwater conditions
- Recommend, evaluate, develop, and select projects and management actions
- Identify any Areas of Special Concern related to groundwater levels, subsidence, groundwater quality, and interconnected surface waters
- Engage in the YSGA’s role in the well permitting process
Committee Membership
Please contact us if you are interested in joining your local MA Advisory Committee. MA Advisory Committee members will be community members with an interest in making decisions about a sustainable groundwater future at the local level. Advisory Committee members will be expected to actively engage with YSGA staff. Advisory Committee members should have a stake in the groundwater resource in their respective Management Area.